Watch your step! Don’t become a DBA-hole

July 14, 2015 Andy 2

No, I’m not discouraging anyone from being a DBA. I’m just discouraging DBAs from being A-holes. DBAs (and IT folk in general) have a terrible reputation for being curmudgeons, jerks, and a-holes. These guys exist, and working with them is a miserable experience–but they’re a … [Read More]

Using SQL Agent MSX for Availability Groups

July 7, 2015 Andy 0

Availability Groups (AGs) are all the rage these days. Every SQL Saturday, every local Users Group, bloggers and DBAs everywhere are all talking about how cool they are. There’s a lot of talk about how AGs provide a compelling alternative to Failover Cluster Instances (FCIs). … [Read More]

How to find the SQL Server Service Account

June 18, 2015 Andy 2

What is the service account running your instance of SQL Server? A lot of DBAs probably know right off the top of their head–maybe because they’re using the same account for every instance. Have you ever had to audit every service account on every instance? … [Read More]

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Tip: Go [count]

June 3, 2015 Andy 0

Shortcuts & tips from an Impatient DBA #8 This series of short posts will demonstrate some lesser-known features, keyboard shortcuts, and other tips that make my day as a DBA more productive. None of these are groundbreaking super-secret features–they are the little things that I … [Read More]

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Common SSMS keyboard shortcuts

June 2, 2015 Andy 0

Shortcuts & tips from an Impatient DBA #7 This series of short posts will demonstrate some lesser-known features, keyboard shortcuts, and other tips that make my day as a DBA more productive. None of these are groundbreaking super-secret features–they are the little things that I … [Read More]

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Tip: Never disable a job temporarily

June 1, 2015 Andy 1

Shortcuts & tips from an Impatient DBA #6 This series of short posts will demonstrate some lesser-known features, keyboard shortcuts, and other tips that make my day as a DBA more productive. None of these are groundbreaking super-secret features–they are the little things that I … [Read More]

Tip: Windows Explorer address bar hack

May 29, 2015 Andy 0

Shortcuts & tips from an Impatient DBA #5 This series of short posts will demonstrate some lesser-known features, keyboard shortcuts, and other tips that make my day as a DBA more productive. None of these are groundbreaking super-secret features–they are the little things that I … [Read More]

SSMS Query Shortcuts

May 28, 2015 Andy 0

Shortcuts & tips from an Impatient DBA #4 This series of short posts will demonstrate some lesser-known features, keyboard shortcuts, and other tips that make my day as a DBA more productive. None of these are groundbreaking super-secret features–they are the little things that I … [Read More]

Shortcut: SQL Template Parameters

May 27, 2015 Andy 0

Shortcuts & tips from an Impatient DBA #3 This series of short posts will demonstrate some lesser-known features, keyboard shortcuts, and other tips that make my day as a DBA more productive. None of these are groundbreaking super-secret features–they are the little things that I … [Read More]

Shortcut: CTRL + ]

May 26, 2015 Andy 0

Shortcuts & tips from an Impatient DBA #2 This series of short posts will demonstrate some lesser-known features, keyboard shortcuts, and other tips that make my day as a DBA more productive. None of these are groundbreaking super-secret features–they are the little things that I … [Read More]