Closing Time

December 8, 2020 Andy 1

This year, I’ve written a couple of critical posts targeted at PASS. If you follow me on Twitter, you know I’ve been critical there, too. Last week, the PASS Board of Directors had their December meeting. Coming out of that meeting, Mindy Curnutt (blog|twitter) resigned … [Read More]

Microsoft Azure hack for social justice

October 4, 2020 Andy 0

Microsoft is going to be running a virtual hackathon, running from October 12 through November 20. The theme of the hack will be to use Microsoft Azure to address some social justice issue. I’m thrilled to be joining the judging panel for this event, which … [Read More]

What’s important in a code of conduct?

June 26, 2020 Andy 3

Earlier this week, I published a post about a proposed Tech Community Equality Index, and used it to grade the largest organization in the data community, PASS. One of the areas where I was critical of PASS is that their Anti-Harassment Policy (AHP) is not … [Read More]

Tech Community Equality Index

June 24, 2020 Andy 1

Over the last weeks & months, I’ve had an increasing number of conversations with folks on the topics of diversity, inclusion, equality, and justice. These discussions we have with coworkers, members of the data community, family and friends are all valuable, and help us look … [Read More]

Hi, I’m Andy. My pronouns are he/him.

June 23, 2020 Andy 1

Lots of folks want to be an ally to the LGBTQ community, but don’t know where to start. One great way to be an ally is relatively low-friction. List your pronouns. Everywhere. Put your pronouns in your social media profile & your email signature. Edit … [Read More]

Racism is our problem to solve

June 9, 2020 Andy 2

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Kenneth Fisher (blog|twitter). Kenneth asked us to talk about any non-SQL tips and tricks we have. I’m going to take the moment to give some tips on how (and why) you can help fight bigotry, racism, and racial injustice.

Pride is a riot

June 8, 2020 Andy 2

Last year was the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, which mark the start of the modern LGBTQ rights movement in the US. In the subsequent half century, the queer community has made significant strides in our march towards equality. Sodomy laws were struck down … [Read More]