SQL Server replication additional subscriber

September 15, 2021 Andy 0

Question I have a publisher with the distributor on the same server which is transactional replication. There is also an active subscriber using push method. I need to set a new subscriber up going to a different server using the same articles as the current … [Read More]

Configuring Replication with Availability Groups

February 23, 2018 Andy 5

I’ve used replication and Availability Groups together before. Replication works great with an AG as both a publisher or a subscriber (though, not as a distributor–you can’t add the distribution database to an AG).  I was surprised when I recently ran into a problem configuring … [Read More]

Transaction Replication on AlwaysOn

April 17, 2017 Andy 0

Question In our AlwayOn environment I have two SQL servers 2014 Ent.edition (SERVER A, and SERVER B). I setup a transaction replication for [database A ], pointing to listener which shouldn’t cause any issue if a failover happened. Tested, worked just fine after a failover, … [Read More]