Parsing file names from paths using T-SQL

January 17, 2018 Andy 15

SQL Server is great at a lot of things. I spend a lot of time blogging about all the cool things that SQL Server does. But (you knew there was a “but”, didn’t you) SQL Server isn’t great at everything. Lets write about something that … [Read More]

Finding active transactions

January 2, 2018 Andy 2

Have you ever forgot to commit a transaction? Maybe you’ve even left for lunch and caused a problem while you were gone. Uncommitted transactions can cause all sorts of problems–not just blocking, but it can affect your Availability Groups & Mirroring, your TempDB version store … [Read More]

Alerting on SQL Server Blocking

December 18, 2017 Andy 20

Identifying blocking is one of the most basic things that a DBA should be monitoring for. I previously wrote about how to identify blocking in SQL Server and find the leading blocker. Recently, my friend Jim Donahoe (blog | twitter) asked me about setting up … [Read More]

Finding the Leader Blocker

October 26, 2017 Andy 12

During the course of normal processing in a database, blocking happens. Blocking is “by design” because your database is on ACID. In an OLTP database, most of your transactions are short in duration, so we expect blocking to also be short in duration. If blocking … [Read More]

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xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs alternative

February 18, 2016 Andy 3

What’s xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs? If you landed on this post, I’m guessing you know the answer to this, so I’ll be quick. xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs is an undocumented (and thus, unsupported) extended procedure that gives information on whether a job is currently running, when it last ran, when it runs … [Read More]

Formatting HTML emails in SQL

November 26, 2014 Andy 1

When I am writing monitoring/alerting stored procedures for my SQL Servers, its important to have those alerts be well-formatted. I like to minimize the amount of time I spend sorting through emails & alerts, and part of that is making sure that I can determine … [Read More]