Diagram of Batman's utility belt

T-SQL Tuesday #143: My favorite short scripts

October 12, 2021 Andy 2

For this month’s T-SQL Tuesday, John McCormack (blog|twitter) asks us: “What are your go-to short, handy scripts”? I’ve got so many handy dandy scripts, it was hard to choose. Where to start? I have so many go-to scripts that are short, amazing, and I use … [Read More]

What time is it in Oz?

October 5, 2021 Andy 1

There was a recent post on Database Administrators, where there was some confusion over Daylight Saving Time(DST) in Australian timezones. Let’s be honest though–timezones are confusing, especially when DST comes into play. Arizona Time doesn’t observe Daylight Saving Time, so sometimes it’s the same as … [Read More]

SQL Server replication additional subscriber

September 15, 2021 Andy 0

Question I have a publisher with the distributor on the same server which is transactional replication. There is also an active subscriber using push method. I need to set a new subscriber up going to a different server using the same articles as the current … [Read More]