SQL Server 2014 slow insert

August 24, 2016 Andy 0

Question I have a very strange slow insert issue, here I am providing the table structure, and the insert statement used. The database is clean, contains no other tables, no indices, no constraints, no triggers. I tested this on two different machines, with high speed … [Read More]

Users in SQL Server cluster

April 12, 2016 Andy 0

Question I have created a 2012 WFC and SQL Server 2014 is clustered on it. The cluster works as expected but have a question on Users: I added a windows domain group to the cluster as sysadmin. When the user tries to log into SQL … [Read More]

ReportServerTempDB in AlwaysOn Availability group

April 11, 2016 Andy 0

Question ReportserverTempdb logfile is 6TB in size and growing and I need help. I am supporting a huge reporting server farm and the client wants reporting services to be in AlawysON Availability group(AAG) and we configured reportserver and reportserverTempDB on in three node Primary replica, … [Read More]