Job to stop other job at specific time

August 13, 2021 Andy 0

Question We have a job which imports data daily from a remote SQL Server every night, I’ll call it Import-Job. Most of the time this job runs through in about 15 minutes and everything is fine but due to a rather unstable VPN connection sometimes … [Read More]

sp_update_schedule says @schedule_id does not exist

October 6, 2020 Andy 0

Question I wrote a script that reads job schedules from msdb.dbo.sysschedules and runs sp_update_schedule to change the active_start_time for a given subset of jobs. In each case, sp_update_schedule fails with the message "The specified @schedule_id(‘xxx’) does not exist". (MessageID 14262, Severity 16) Is the schedule … [Read More]

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xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs alternative

February 18, 2016 Andy 3

What’s xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs? If you landed on this post, I’m guessing you know the answer to this, so I’ll be quick. xp_sqlagent_enum_jobs is an undocumented (and thus, unsupported) extended procedure that gives information on whether a job is currently running, when it last ran, when it runs … [Read More]

Using SQL Agent MSX for Availability Groups

July 7, 2015 Andy 0

Availability Groups (AGs) are all the rage these days. Every SQL Saturday, every local Users Group, bloggers and DBAs everywhere are all talking about how cool they are. There’s a lot of talk about how AGs provide a compelling alternative to Failover Cluster Instances (FCIs). … [Read More]