Configuring Replication with Availability Groups

February 23, 2018 Andy 5

I’ve used replication and Availability Groups together before. Replication works great with an AG as both a publisher or a subscriber (though, not as a distributor–you can’t add the distribution database to an AG).  I was surprised when I recently ran into a problem configuring … [Read More]

TSQL Tuesday #99: Tabs vs Spaces

February 13, 2018 Andy 3

The great tabs vs spaces debate is often framed as a matter of opinion or coding style. “As long as you’re consistent, it doesn’t matter.” Keep in mind that unlike your choice in footwear, coding style can’t be personal. I’m going to draw a line in the sand and say that tabs, like Crocs and mullets, are bad style.

TSQL Tuesday #99: SQL Tourism

February 13, 2018 Andy 2

When I started travelling to speak at SQL Server events, I committed that I would make the most of it. To me, that means a lot more than just attending the event where I’m speaking. Sure, I want to learn and network at the event, but it means more than that, too. It means actually seeing the city where I’m speaking. It means enjoying the entire trip.