Preventing SQL injection in dynamic SQL
Let’s imagine a stored procedure that retreives data and do some kind of pagination. This procedure has some inputs describing which set of data we want and how we sort it.
Here is a very simple query, but let’s take it as an example.
create table Persons(id int, firstName varchar(50), lastName varchar(50)) go create procedure GetPersons @pageNumber int = 1, @pageSize int = 20, @orderBy varchar(50) = 'id', @orderDir varchar(4) = 'desc' as declare @sql varchar(max) set @sql = 'select id, firstName, lastName from ( select id, firstName, LastName, row_number() over(order by '+@orderBy+' '+@orderDir+') as rn from Persons ) t where rn > ('+cast(@pageNumber as varchar)+'-1) * '+cast(@pageSize as varchar)+' and rn <= '+cast(@pageNumber as varchar)+' * '+cast(@pageSize as varchar)+' order by '+@orderBy+' '+@orderDir exec(@sql)
It is supposed to be used like that:
exec GetPersons @pageNumber = 1, @pageSize = 20, @orderBy = 'id', @orderDir = 'desc'
But a smart guy could launch:
exec GetPersons @pageNumber = 1, @pageSize = 20, @orderBy = 'id)a from Persons)t;delete from Persons;print''', @orderDir = ''
… and drop data
That’s obviously not a secure situation. And how could we prevent it ?
Note: this question is not about “is it a good way to do pagination ?” nor “is it a good thing to do dynamic sql?”. The question is about preventing code injection when building sql queries dynamicaly in order to have some guidelines to make the code a bit cleaner if we have to do similar stored procedures again in the future.
Some basic ideas:
Validate inputs
create procedure GetPersons @pageNumber int = 1, @pageSize int = 20, @orderBy varchar(50) = 'id', @orderDir varchar(4) = 'desc' as if @orderDir not in ('asc', 'desc') or @orderBy not in ('id', 'firstName', 'lastName') begin raiserror('Cheater!', 16,1) return end declare @sql varchar(max) set @sql = 'select id, firstName, lastName from ( select id, firstName, LastName, row_number() over(order by '+@orderBy+' '+@orderDir+') as rn from Persons ) t where rn > ('+cast(@pageNumber as varchar)+'-1) * '+cast(@pageSize as varchar)+' and rn <= '+cast(@pageNumber as varchar)+' * '+cast(@pageSize as varchar)+' order by '+@orderBy+' '+@orderDir exec(@sql)
Pass ids instead of strings as inputs
create procedure GetPersons @pageNumber int = 1, @pageSize int = 20, @orderBy tinyint = 1, @orderDir bit = 0 as declare @orderByName varchar(50) set @orderByName = case @orderBy when 1 then 'id' when 2 then 'firstName' when 3 then 'lastName' end +' '+case @orderDir when 0 then 'desc' else 'asc' end if @orderByName is null begin raiserror('Cheater!', 16,1) return end declare @sql varchar(max) set @sql = 'select id, firstName, lastName from ( select id, firstName, LastName, row_number() over(order by '+@orderByName+') as rn from Persons ) t where rn > ('+cast(@pageNumber as varchar)+'-1) * '+cast(@pageSize as varchar)+' and rn <= '+cast(@pageNumber as varchar)+' * '+cast(@pageSize as varchar)+' order by '+@orderByName exec(@sql)
Any other suggestions?
asked 2017-04-14 by irimias
In your example code, you are passing three categories of “things” into your dynamic SQL.
- You pass @OrderDir, which is a keyword to signify
. - You pass @OrderBy, which is a column name (or potentially a set of
column names, but based on the way #1 is implemented, I assume you
expect a single column name. - You pass
, which become literals in
the generated string.
This is really straightforward–you just want to validate your input. You’re spot-on that this is the right thing for this option. In this case, you are expecting either ASC
, so you can either check that the user passes one of those values, or you can switch to a different parameter semantic, where you have a parameter that is a toggle switch. Declare your parameter as @SortAscending bit = 0
, then within your stored procedure, translate the bit into either ASC
Column names
Here, you should use the QUOTENAME
function. Quotename will ensure that objects get properly [quoted], ensuring that if someone tries to pass in a “column” of “; TRUNCATE TABLE USERS”, it will get treated as a column name, and not an arbitrary piece of injected code. This will fail, rather than truncating the USERS
Literals & parameters
For @PageNumber
and @PageSize
, you should be using sp_executesql
to pass parameters properly. Properly parameterizing your dynamic SQL allows you to not only pass values in, but also to get values back out.
In this example, @x
and @y
would be variables scoped to your stored procedures. They aren’t available within your dynamic SQL, so you pass them into @a
and @b
, which are scoped to the dynamic SQL. This allows you to have properly typed values both inside and outside the dynamic SQL.
DECLARE @i int, @x int, @y int, @sql nvarchar(1000), @params nvarchar(1000); SET @x = 10; SET @y = 5; SET @params = N'@i_out int OUT, @a int, @b int'; SET @sql = N'SELECT @i_out = @a + @b'; EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @params, @i_out = @i OUT, @a = @x, @b = @y; SELECT @i;
Even with varchar values, keeping the value as a variable prevents someone from arbitrarily passing code that gets executed. This example ensures that the user input gets SELECT
ed, and not arbitrarily executed:
DECLARE @UserInput varchar(100), @params nvarchar(1000) = N'@value varchar(100)', @sql nvarchar(1000) = N'SELECT Value = @value'; SET @UserInput = '; TRUNCATE TABLE USERS;' EXEC sp_executesql @sql, @params, @value = @UserInput;
My code
Here’s my version of your stored procedure, with table definition & a few sample rows:
CREATE TABLE dbo.Persons ( id INT, firstName VARCHAR(50), lastName VARCHAR(50) ); GO INSERT INTO dbo.Persons(id, firstName,lastName) VALUES (1,'George','Washington'), (2,'John','Adams'), (3,'Thomas','Jefferson'), (4,'James','Madison'), (5,'James','Monroe') ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.GetPersons @pageNumber INT = 1, @pageSize INT = 20, @orderBy VARCHAR(50) = 'id', @orderDir VARCHAR(4) = 'desc' AS SET NOCOUNT ON; --validate inputs IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM sys.columns WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.Persons') AND name = @orderBy ) BEGIN RAISERROR('Order by column does not exist.', 16,1); RETURN; END; IF (@orderDir NOT IN ('ASC', 'DESC')) BEGIN RAISERROR('Order direction is invalid. Must be ASC or DESC.', 16,1); RETURN; END; --Now do stuff --sp_executesql takes in nvarchar as a datatype DECLARE @sql NVARCHAR(MAX); SET @sql = N'SELECT id, firstName, lastName FROM ( SELECT id, firstName, LastName, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ' + QUOTENAME(@orderBy) + N' ' + @orderDir + N') AS rn FROM dbo.Persons ) t WHERE rn > ( @pageNumber-1) * @pageSize AND rn <= @pageNumber * @pageSize ORDER BY ' + QUOTENAME(@orderBy) + N' ' + @orderDir; EXEC sys.sp_executesql @sql, N'@pageNumber int, @pageSize int', @pageNumber = @pageNumber, @pageSize = @pageSize; GO
You can see here, that the code is functional & gives you the proper ordering & pagination:
EXEC dbo.GetPersons @OrderBy = 'id', @orderDir = 'DESC'; EXEC dbo.GetPersons @OrderBy = 'id', @orderDir = 'ASC'; EXEC dbo.GetPersons @OrderBy = 'firstName'; EXEC dbo.GetPersons @OrderBy = 'lastName'; EXEC dbo.GetPersons @PageNumber = 2, @PageSize = 1, @OrderBy = 'lastName', @orderDir = 'ASC';
And also see how the input handling protects against someone trying to do strange stuff:
EXEC dbo.GetPersons @OrderBy = 'lastName', @orderDir = 'UP'; EXEC dbo.GetPersons @OrderBy = ';TRUNCATE TABLE Persons;';
Additional Reading
Aaron Bertrand’s Bad Habits to Kick : Using EXEC() instead of sp_executesql
Aaron Bertrand’s kitchen sink procedure
answered 2017-04-14 by Andy Mallon