Load balancing reads SQL Server 2016 AG

April 19, 2017 Andy 0

Question I’m trying to balance read traffic between two SQL Server 2016 Enterprise Edition instances (Primary and Secondary) using availability groups and the read only routing. Here is my current setup: The servers are in AWS in two different AZ The servers are in a … [Read More]

Transaction Replication on AlwaysOn

April 17, 2017 Andy 0

Question In our AlwayOn environment I have two SQL servers 2014 Ent.edition (SERVER A, and SERVER B). I setup a transaction replication for [database A ], pointing to listener which shouldn’t cause any issue if a failover happened. Tested, worked just fine after a failover, … [Read More]

Preventing SQL injection in dynamic SQL

April 14, 2017 Andy 0

Question Let’s imagine a stored procedure that retreives data and do some kind of pagination. This procedure has some inputs describing which set of data we want and how we sort it. Here is a very simple query, but let’s take it as an example. … [Read More]