Keyboard shortcut to close a query tab in SSMS

January 27, 2017 Andy 1

Shortcuts & tips from an Impatient DBA This series of short posts will demonstrate some lesser-known features, keyboard shortcuts, and other tips that make my day as a DBA more productive. None of these are groundbreaking super-secret features–they are the little things that I do … [Read More]

Building a Twitter-bot RSS Aggregator

January 11, 2017 Andy 1

I hate RSS readers For some reason, about once a year, I go hunting for a new RSS reader so I can keep track of blogs that I like to read.  It’s always the same process: Dig through reviews to find an app that I think … [Read More]

Nonclustered index storage on clustered columnstore

January 6, 2017 Andy 0

Question In SQL Server, a non-unique nonclustered index on a rowstore table incorporates the base object’s bookmark (RID or clustering key) at all levels of the nonclustered index structure. The bookmark is stored as part of the nonclustered index key at all index levels. On … [Read More]

How often to update SQL Server?

January 2, 2017 Andy 0

Question I am a new DBA at a company that has never had a DBA before me. SQL Servers are never upgraded unless it is part of a Windows Update on the server. Service Packs (or CUs) are never installed. We have a mix of … [Read More]